A blog of infinite Choobism, and thence of incredible awesomeness.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Jesus Loves you

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The dirty bastard.


Anonymous said...

The atheist community that you'll never be a part of. Thank goodness we have better atheist speakers like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris. You are Mr. Choobus, an embarrassment.

Choobus said...

merikins. Is that your real name assclown? I'm not an atheist speaker you simpleton, I am an atheist who occasionally writes stff. If you don't like it why don't you fuck off you gutless cumchugger?

Anonymous said...

merkins is right. Mr choobis is a disgrace. He does nothing to help atheists at all. He is a loser who only makes he atheist cause (as dumb as it is) look even worse with his ranting. In a way he is good for the normal people who love God because one look at him and you can see what happens without Him. Keep it up dumb choobus you are a godsend.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Merkins,
Not only theists dislike Choobus, there are also many atheists who dislike him as well.
He's the lowest of the lowest and contaminates our atheist community with his lack of decorum.

Anonymous said...

the same shit

ger real dorks, Choobus rocks, you suck, end of chat.

Anonymous said...

"The atheist community that you'll never be a part of"??? What "atheist community" are you referring to? Is there meetings and maybe a pot luck dinner? How come I've never been invited? Are there door prizes?

Anonymous said...

Oh and Choobus, please re-post that pic of yours you had a few months back. I got nothing to masterbate to, and I feel sooo horney. Please Choobus, I love you!!

Anonymous said...

hey american assmuncher, do you think we don't know that all of these shit posts are by you? You're too much of a gutless pussy to debate anyone for real. You are nbot fit to breathe Choobus's farts you dumbass

Anonymous said...

choobus dont fart

Anonymous said...

Choobis is a gay and a bum boy

Unknown said...

I think Merkins is really a Christian who has a secret boner for his ass lover Jesus. What a dumb cunt! It's pretty obvious that the Chooblog is about fun. Aw! Did Choobus defame the name of Atheism? Fuck you, Merkins! Suck my atheist dick.

Unknown said...

Hey Choob! I think you have these Xtians worked into a froth.

~ Ghoulslime

Choobus said...

Hah, the only time true christians get worked into a froth is when they accidently laugh while felching each other with straws and create a santorum latte. Very frothy indeed......

Jeebus himself loves a double mocha santorum latte, with extra bubbles, coz that's just how that mother fucker rolls.

Anonymous said...

how is choobus a gay AND a bum boy? Isn't it the same?

Anonymous said...

wat is this blog for?

Anonymous said...

maybe it is for your mama, bitch!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous asked:
What is this blog for?

1 To insult everybody and to propagate hate and vulgarities.

2 To denigrate atheists.

Anonymous said...

Daniel F. Mitchell aka Ghoulslime, I am an atheist, and I respect everyone's beliefs. We can teach religious people and educate them, not denigrate them or fight them or lower ourselves to their level. This is exactly what this blog is doing for atheists, creating a hateful environment, no purpose, it's not even good comedy.

Joe E. Holman said...

Having been a Christian minister for 9 years, and having become the atheist I am now, I find this blog very,very refreshing and downright entertaining. I see it as a rare form of comedic value, and comedians are the most honest and truthful people out there! It's hard to deny that!

Choobus is like an extra-vulgar version of George Carlin, and that's cool in my book!!

Every couple weeks or so, I come around to hear Choobus bash those who, in some respects, need to be bashed, and I can almost feel my blood pressure drop as I rock back and forth in my chair, being thoroughly refreshed.

While I would not engage anyone in such a style, and while I feel civility and decency should take the upper-hand, it is his blog, and he is free to vent as he chooses. I don't blame him. Life offers us much to vent over!

So relax, you atheists who fail to see the excellent outlet this site is! There is a place for blasphemy and profane self-expression--it's called the internet!

People need to learn not to take life and themselves so seriously! No one is too good to be mocked, and none of us should be afraid to spit on one another from time to time, if for no other reason, than to remind ourselves we are alive!

Choobus, you rock!


Unknown said...

Good comedy is a subjective thing. If you don't like it, then don't read it, dude.

~ Slime

Choobus said...

Joe H,

thanks for your comments. It's good to have someone write something that is not obviously the product of a limited intellect.

American Atheist, you're still not getting it are you? I can't help you numbnuts, so why don't you fuck off and post your fecal trivia elsewhere?
Fucking shitgoblins like you are a waste of air, space and, in this context, bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

I have a deep respect and a feeling of awe with respect to the totality of Choobus, whereas merkins has chugged his cum quota. Please be sure to post 'Slow Children Sucking Whang' signs in your little atheist community, so the rest of us can drive appropriately, which is to say half-drunk and with an eye to vehicular homicide.

~ Phil B. Studge

Choobus said...

is this atheist community gated?