Verily, Wank Falton is indeed a fucktard. His contribution to the ongoing debate between theists and atheists is nothing compared to a simple four word question (three different words, one repeat).
A 10 gallon tub of KY to the first person to guess what that question is! *
At least Frank Walton praises JESUS CRIST our lord and savior. Look around you HE is there. Also anal sex is an abombination to GOD. Sex is only for pro-creation and if you experience any pleasure you will burn in HELL. Dont wind up with the muslims, japanese, and unbaptised babies, accept GOD into your life.
"At least Frank Walton praises JESUS CRIST our lord and savior. Look around you HE is there. Also anal sex is an abombination to GOD. Sex is only for pro-creation and if you experience any pleasure you will burn in HELL. Dont wind up with the muslims, japanese, and unbaptised babies, accept GOD into your life."
God? You mean that scum sucking, asswipe, assfucker, deush bag, good for nothing asshole, cumchugger, over the tope cliched tyrant? Oh we debunked his ass along with other fairy tails a long time ago, I don't know where you have been.
Anthony when are going to realize that THIS IS hell, and your in it for being an asshole. But don't worry, nobody you ever knew is here, we are are demons. Enjoy our presense ha ha ha ha!
Krazee Krist puncher, you just don't get it do you? As EMR says, make up your own mind. I know it's not a concept you are used to (being a brain washed krist puncher and all) but the position has merit.
youneedmercy, what is wrong with being open minded? I've never had a dialogue with atheists before, and I'm very curious as to why they believe what they believe.
YNM, your story is only correct if you are talking about christian mind control leading to hatred and bigotry. Fat cunts (are you a fat cunt?) are disgusting and if they didn't gorge themselves on deep fried poison all the time they would not be so repulsive. Similarly, if christ punching anus ticklers like you didn't gorge themselves on scripture all the time they might not be so mentally challenged.
Just as having your arsehole fisted will reduce your ability to retain colonic waste, having your brain fisted by Jeebus inhibits your ability to make sense.
To summarize, go fick yourself you retarded biyatch.
"You are nothing without God. Just a tiny ant scurrying accross the earth. That is what is your real problem. You feel small and need to insult others to feel big."
Yeah I can see how big you are, too bad I can't say the same about your brain.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable [inalienable] Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government....
Oh, well then it must be fucking so. You fucking idiot.
They also said it was a-ok to keep slaves, that women were second-class citizens that didn't deserve to vote, and that Native Americans were better equated with animals than with mankind.
I'm sure someone else will be more than happy to quote mine the founding fathers agnostic/atheistic quotes for you, though, if you wish.
Jesus H Christoffski, you're fucking hilarious YNM. Your "brain" is so fucked up you must get a headache just trying to figure out how to wipe your dad's semen from your red raw ringpiece.
If you really think I am the devil, or am in league with the devil, or I love the devil but am not in love with him, then why the hell do you keep floating around the awesome chooblog like an eggy fart? If I was certain that there was poison gas in a room I would not keep going into that room to complain about the stink. EWven if I suspected there was poison gas I'd stay away. It takes a special kind of idiot to deliberately expose oneself to something vile for no good reason. What kind of special idiot you say? A Christian of course.
I thought we were supposed to meet up tonight? I waited for two hours with my cock sticking through that fucking hole, but you didn't show. Who's going to swallow my hot load now?
That's cool, man. My mom's dead, but you know, to each his own. You're the one that likes to guzzle my spunk, so just name the time and place, and if it works out for me, cool. If not, you've got enough stored in the fridge to hold you over, I'm sure.
Dude, I know your mother is dead. I was there at the unfortunate bukkake incident at which she drowned in semen. They let me take the corpse home so I could perfect my advanced assfucking techniques.
Ladies and gentlemen, here we see the death throes of a Christ-psychotic's sanity, his grip on reality slipping through his fingers like so many grains of sand.
YNM mercy I don't know what languages you speak but maybe one of these is yours.
Deutsch: Machen sie analesgeschlecht? Nederlands: Doe u anale sex? Italian: Tu fai anal? Arabic: Dirka Dirka Mohammed Anal? Spanish: ¿Practicas el sexo anal? Spanish: ¿Te gusta que te den por (el) culo? Basque: Popatik hartzen al dek? French: Faites-vous anal? Japanese: eenaru shimasu ka? Romanian: Faceti anal? Polish: Chi ti robiz stosunek analny? [sp?] Merikkan: do you Santorum? Catholic: I'll see you after choir practice.
Nice! I didn't know there were other people who despised religious thinking as much as I did! I don't get nearly as many hits though; perhaps I should increase my "cunt" frequency some. Something to think about anyways. Nice to see more likeminded people.
Anon & YNM: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Cor. 13:1). No matter how wise your insights or astute your plans or important the mission, they count for nothing if you do not offer them with love. Charity is the first and fundamental requirement for all authentic Christian speech. But, this does not mean such speaking can only be weak: strong, steadfast, determined, and confident projection of the truth is very important and sometimes the only way to get points across. Nonetheless, whatever is said ought always to be offered respectfully and for the genuine service and edification of others—especially those whom you are addressing. Words are very powerful, and as such much be used with care, distinction, grace, and charity. Moreover, not all of your causes are God’s causes, and no one owes you a reading of—let alone accession to—your argument. To do evil in order to accomplish good is really to do evil. Breaking one of God’s commandments (love your neighbor as yourself—Matthew 5:43 which calls upon Leviticus 19:17-18) is not the way to advance His Kingdom—ever. If, in the service of Christ, you act in an un-Christian way, you become a highly effective ally of the very forces you set out to combat. Your mission is to serve the Lord in fidelity and hope, and be ready for Him to act, for He surely will.
I am not a fucking pussy like you and your cunt christian pals, so I won't delete your comments (although this is a policy no christ puncher will adopt). But that shit borders on spam you fucking cunt.
It makles me sad. Whenever I write something here I see themessage "your comment has been saved". Why can't I go online (perhaps to and get my soul saved online? Why won't jesus use the internets to save more people? It's almost as if he was a fictional jew.
fuck knows. At first I thought RA was after some tight beaver he met at an antiabortion meeting (very romantic they are). However, his increasingly bizarre posts and asymptotic approach to shitlordship are indeed a mystery. Maybe he sold the domain to some christ punchers and they are just fucking with us. Who knows. What I can say though is that not many people give a fuck any more, so whatever iti s he is trying to do, only a few people will know about it.
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
1Ti 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
All gods can bend over and accept a good choobing from my power wang, and then they can pass on the good news like the bitches they are. At least, they could if they existed. Since they do not their followers can accept the ass pounding, only in this case it will be administeered by the Rev. holy father Mr T. He pities the fool who does not have god in his heart, and a fat cock in his gaping arsehole.
The pain and suffering of your earth. It is sad. You care nothing for one another. You are mean spirited. Christian, ahteist, whatever you are, you need to find compassion for each other.
That is what matters. Help each other with kindness. Make this world better with each word you choose to give to someone else. Otherwise your world is short on it's remaining days.
"That is what matters. Help each other with kindness. Make this world better with each word you choose to give to someone else. Otherwise your world is short on it's remaining days."
Oh, ok, iamalien. In that case, please pass your message along to our world leaders as quickly as possible so that our Earth may instantly become a better place thanks to your amazing wisdom.
BTW, I like sunshine and puppy dogs and happy little flowers and rainbows and love.
Your world leaders are not interested in making a peaceful world. They are in the business of destruction. Destruction has become the way to power and wealth.
In America they have a wonderful declaration written in 1776 by some people who new what power would do over time. That is why they wrote:
"....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or ABOLISH it, and to institute new Government..."
Now surely all of you know this but I will share this with you anyway.
Governements act to divide people into groups so that no one group grows strong enough to throw that government off. The way to power is to divide and governments do it well.
God, reading over the comments is like primetime standup! Hopefully the cunts (ie YNM and KK) decide to stick around simply for the comedy!
Now, WHO the hell said they cried when the heard things said about Jesus? I can't scroll through and find it, but somebody needs to seriously grow the fuck up!!!
another thing to Study is thаt manу viԁеo games Get highеr difficultly modes, hazard for childгen аnd adults.
UРDΑTE's are easily achieved by leaving bit sub-standard, many of the Rid online games silent Volunteer the same core group fun dynamics and community of interests experience as their highschool end counterparts. In that respect's no need to pгetеnd that all games this pageboу We Visualisering - VisualizationI've played some classic Make a townspeople and rally an Ground forces games lately.
Αfter the singеr's death in July 2011 of alcohol poisoning at the age of 27. Keep It" I'm currentlу going through chemо, ѕο I gave it to hеr. Amsale іs going to taκe many weeks of work. After the Big Day, thе ωedding dress wаs handed doωn from hег anceѕtor. This will sparе you frοm gеttіng to cope with a muddу hem.
Don't know who Wank Falton is? Check out his lame blog
but be prepared to be bored if you do.
You're right Choobus (as always) it is a boring blog. Frankly, I'd be way more entertained by watching two old ladies slap each other.
Verily, Wank Falton is indeed a fucktard. His contribution to the ongoing debate between theists and atheists is nothing compared to a simple four word question (three different words, one repeat).
A 10 gallon tub of KY to the first person to guess what that question is! *
(prize may not exist, offer not valid anywhere)
I went there but it's so boring I switched bacd to your chooblog right away.
Frank Walton is the one that sucks!
At least Frank Walton praises JESUS CRIST our lord and savior. Look around you HE is there. Also anal sex is an abombination to GOD. Sex is only for pro-creation and if you experience any pleasure you will burn in HELL. Dont wind up with the muslims, japanese, and unbaptised babies, accept GOD into your life.
Anthony Holland,
"At least Frank Walton praises JESUS CRIST our lord and savior. Look around you HE is there. Also anal sex is an abombination to GOD. Sex is only for pro-creation and if you experience any pleasure you will burn in HELL. Dont wind up with the muslims, japanese, and unbaptised babies, accept GOD into your life."
God? You mean that scum sucking, asswipe, assfucker, deush bag, good for nothing asshole, cumchugger, over the tope cliched tyrant? Oh we debunked his ass along with other fairy tails a long time ago, I don't know where you have been.
AIDS is a punishment from GOD. Only fornicators, faggots , and niggers get AIDS. Accept the LORD in your life, or burn eternaly in HELL.
Anthony Holland
Anthony when are going to realize that THIS IS hell, and your in it for being an asshole. But don't worry, nobody you ever knew is here, we are are demons. Enjoy our presense ha ha ha ha!
Andy Holland (probably a fake) I just remembered, your real name is dick. Funny how you always remind everyone what a dick you are.
A failed shitlord is the saddest creature on earth! Sinner, cumchugger and less than fecal.
it's worth looging on to the chooblog just to see grany giving the finger!
Why do you advertise for Frank Walton's site if you do not like it?
Krazee Krist puncher, you just don't get it do you? As EMR says, make up your own mind. I know it's not a concept you are used to (being a brain washed krist puncher and all) but the position has merit.
How did you guys become atheists?
EMR is right, but also when you study other religions remember to avoid ethnocentrism.
youneedmercy, what is wrong with being open minded? I've never had a dialogue with atheists before, and I'm very curious as to why they believe what they believe.
"evil atheist,
Do you proclaim to have the absolute truth? If so, let's here it!"
No atheists do not claim to have all the answers. Atheism doesn't give answers, it only gives questions.
You want the absolute truth?!? You can't handle the absolute truth!!!
Stop stealing MY lines!
I thought being open minded was to challenge one's self and to believe what one believes because of free will, and solid evidence.
To "except [sic]whatever any yahoo says" has nothing to do with being open minded.
YNM, your story is only correct if you are talking about christian mind control leading to hatred and bigotry. Fat cunts (are you a fat cunt?) are disgusting and if they didn't gorge themselves on deep fried poison all the time they would not be so repulsive. Similarly, if christ punching anus ticklers like you didn't gorge themselves on scripture all the time they might not be so mentally challenged.
Just as having your arsehole fisted will reduce your ability to retain colonic waste, having your brain fisted by Jeebus inhibits your ability to make sense.
To summarize, go fick yourself you retarded biyatch.
"You are nothing without God. Just a tiny ant scurrying accross the earth. That is what is your real problem. You feel small and need to insult others to feel big."
Yeah I can see how big you are, too bad I can't say the same about your brain.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable [inalienable] Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government....
Oh, well then it must be fucking so. You fucking idiot.
They also said it was a-ok to keep slaves, that women were second-class citizens that didn't deserve to vote, and that Native Americans were better equated with animals than with mankind.
I'm sure someone else will be more than happy to quote mine the founding fathers agnostic/atheistic quotes for you, though, if you wish.
You're not acting like the church teaches you should. Why are you so angry and bitter?
Jesus H Christoffski, you're fucking hilarious YNM. Your "brain" is so fucked up you must get a headache just trying to figure out how to wipe your dad's semen from your red raw ringpiece.
If you really think I am the devil, or am in league with the devil, or I love the devil but am not in love with him, then why the hell do you keep floating around the awesome chooblog like an eggy fart? If I was certain that there was poison gas in a room I would not keep going into that room to complain about the stink. EWven if I suspected there was poison gas I'd stay away. It takes a special kind of idiot to deliberately expose oneself to something vile for no good reason. What kind of special idiot you say? A Christian of course.
Choke on it asshole!
Sorry about the last post. My little sister got a hold of the computer and tried to be funny. This is what I really meant to say:
Choobus my lord and saivor,
I am here because I fear cock. I am here to expose myself to you and find out if you will do me.
If only satan would defile God and Jesus the way you have here. I could sit in the corner and play with myself while watching.
I don't need to resist the good thing you'll put in me.
I'll repent and let you be my god!
fucking nut job. OR bizarre troll. Either way, keep the comedy coming mother fucker.
" Sorry about the last post. My little sister got a hold of the computer and tried to be funny. "
How old is your sister? Is she hot?
If you will not turn to the brown side, then perhaps she will....
Hey YNM, isn't there some rule against name calling? Like the way you refer to Choobus as "chugger."
I thought we were supposed to meet up tonight? I waited for two hours with my cock sticking through that fucking hole, but you didn't show. Who's going to swallow my hot load now?
sorry dude, I has having such a good time anally violating your mum that I lost track of time. Maybe next week.
That's cool, man. My mom's dead, but you know, to each his own. You're the one that likes to guzzle my spunk, so just name the time and place, and if it works out for me, cool. If not, you've got enough stored in the fridge to hold you over, I'm sure.
Dude, I know your mother is dead. I was there at the unfortunate bukkake incident at which she drowned in semen. They let me take the corpse home so I could perfect my advanced assfucking techniques.
Jesus is Lord.
Reformatted for your viewing pleasure:
Ladies and gentlemen, here we see the death throes of a Christ-psychotic's sanity, his grip on reality slipping through his fingers like so many grains of sand.
If I am going t Hell, then you can bet hell will be AWESOME. I suggest we all go.
I see a pattern.....
YNM mercy I don't know what languages you speak but maybe one of these is yours.
Deutsch: Machen sie analesgeschlecht?
Nederlands: Doe u anale sex?
Italian: Tu fai anal?
Arabic: Dirka Dirka Mohammed Anal?
Spanish: ¿Practicas el sexo anal?
Spanish: ¿Te gusta que te den por (el) culo?
Basque: Popatik hartzen al dek?
French: Faites-vous anal?
Japanese: eenaru shimasu ka?
Romanian: Faceti anal?
Polish: Chi ti robiz stosunek analny? [sp?]
Merikkan: do you Santorum?
Catholic: I'll see you after choir practice.
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yks eht ni tirips eht htiw pu em tes hO
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Nice! I didn't know there were other people who despised religious thinking as much as I did! I don't get nearly as many hits though; perhaps I should increase my "cunt" frequency some. Something to think about anyways. Nice to see more likeminded people.
sdrawkcab ssel skcus yllautca ykS eht nI tiripS ,woW
Nice blog, arkady! Join us in the forums at
That's where most of us are from.
Choobus has the rankest smelling cunt this side of Paris Hilton
Choobus, will you be in a sex tape with me?
Anon & YNM:
“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Cor. 13:1). No matter how wise your insights or astute your plans or important the mission, they count for nothing if you do not offer them with love. Charity is the first and fundamental requirement for all authentic Christian speech. But, this does not mean such speaking can only be weak: strong, steadfast, determined, and confident projection of the truth is very important and sometimes the only way to get points across. Nonetheless, whatever is said ought always to be offered respectfully and for the genuine service and edification of others—especially those whom you are addressing. Words are very powerful, and as such much be used with care, distinction, grace, and charity. Moreover, not all of your causes are God’s causes, and no one owes you a reading of—let alone accession to—your argument. To do evil in order to accomplish good is really to do evil. Breaking one of God’s commandments (love your neighbor as yourself—Matthew 5:43 which calls upon Leviticus 19:17-18) is not the way to advance His Kingdom—ever. If, in the service of Christ, you act in an un-Christian way, you become a highly effective ally of the very forces you set out to combat. Your mission is to serve the Lord in fidelity and hope, and be ready for Him to act, for He surely will.
You are a cowardly pussy piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.
I am not a fucking pussy like you and your cunt christian pals, so I won't delete your comments (although this is a policy no christ puncher will adopt). But that shit borders on spam you fucking cunt.
choke on it god botherer
It makles me sad. Whenever I write something here I see themessage "your comment has been saved". Why can't I go online (perhaps to and get my soul saved online? Why won't jesus use the internets to save more people? It's almost as if he was a fictional jew.
Oops, yeah that was me EMR. I accidentally typed my login ID in the "other" part.
The Christians on here are more hateful than the atheists!
Do you really think RA converted to theism?
fuck knows. At first I thought RA was after some tight beaver he met at an antiabortion meeting (very romantic they are). However, his increasingly bizarre posts and asymptotic approach to shitlordship are indeed a mystery. Maybe he sold the domain to some christ punchers and they are just fucking with us. Who knows. What I can say though is that not many people give a fuck any more, so whatever iti s he is trying to do, only a few people will know about it.
Who the hell is this RA guy, everyone is talking about?
Satan himself!!!!!!
Don't you dare insult me by comparing me to the Raving Theist!
Eat my ass candy satan! I am the only way to salvation. If that means I have to fuck you over to show people that, so be it.
Fuck your mother,
Infidels! I am the one true God. Y'all are just posers!
Don't you know what will happen to you:
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
You must know you can not win.
So why do you keep going?
Eat my ass candy satan! I am the only way to salvation. If that means I have to fuck you over to show people that, so be it.
Fuck your mother,
Ha-HA! Since you created me, you're the closest thing to my mother, so you're really fucking yourself!!! What now, BITCH!!!?
Don't you know what will happen to you:
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
You must know you can not win.
So why do you keep going?
Ah, but look at the next verse....
Rev 20:11 PSYCH!!! We're doomed!
Infidels! I am the one true God. Y'all are just posers!
Whatever, Allah. You can lick my nuts and suck on my balls.
1Ti 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
I don't want your fucking scripture shitgoblin. Go write it on your mums tits, bukkake style.
Youneedmercy, you better watch out before we legions of demons come to take your SOUL!!! OOOoooOOOooOOOoOOOO!
FOOLS!! You dare question me? Then you Yahweh, Satan, and Allah shall be destroyed by my mighty hamer!!!
Oh yeah? WELL BRING IT ON!!!!
"would like to know something, though.
Why are you afraid of God?"
Oh you no good boys, I will never bring any presents to you youneedmercy and anonymous and all the other fundies. HO HO HO
All gods can bend over and accept a good choobing from my power wang, and then they can pass on the good news like the bitches they are. At least, they could if they existed. Since they do not their followers can accept the ass pounding, only in this case it will be administeered by the Rev. holy father Mr T. He pities the fool who does not have god in his heart, and a fat cock in his gaping arsehole.
Bah, false gods! None of you can wank as many dads as I can!
I can not believe I have read these evil things here.
How could anyone talk so bad about Jesus? He gave His life so that we could live forever. How could you do this?
I can not stop crying I am very hurt by this
Jesus never existed, anon. It's a fairy tale. It's ok to cry, though. I cried at the end of Old Yeller, and Old Yeller never existed either.
How could you reject Osiris who has sacrificed so much for you?
How could you reject Raiden, who has battled against Shao Kahn and the forces of outworld to save your world?
That's right! Now worship me before I double-flawless fatality your ass!
w00t! 109th post!
Blasphemers! Professor Chaos is the one true God!
Bah! Get out of here Professor Chaos before you get choobed with a power wang!
When you die you will know the truth!
The pain and suffering of your earth. It is sad. You care nothing for one another. You are mean spirited. Christian, ahteist, whatever you are, you need to find compassion for each other.
That is what matters. Help each other with kindness. Make this world better with each word you choose to give to someone else. Otherwise your world is short on it's remaining days.
"That is what matters. Help each other with kindness. Make this world better with each word you choose to give to someone else. Otherwise your world is short on it's remaining days."
i agree
Oh, ok, iamalien. In that case, please pass your message along to our world leaders as quickly as possible so that our Earth may instantly become a better place thanks to your amazing wisdom.
BTW, I like sunshine and puppy dogs and happy little flowers and rainbows and love.
After this, only 551 more posts to go until 666! Can we make it?!
We could easily make it, considering that the Awesome Chooblog is only updated approximately every time Jesus appears.
Professor chaos,
Your world leaders are not interested in making a peaceful world. They are in the business of destruction. Destruction has become the way to power and wealth.
In America they have a wonderful declaration written in 1776 by some people who new what power would do over time. That is why they wrote:
"....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or ABOLISH it, and to institute new Government..."
Now surely all of you know this but I will share this with you anyway.
Governements act to divide people into groups so that no one group grows strong enough to throw that government off. The way to power is to divide and governments do it well.
what if the universe
was really just an atom
on god's wang?
God, reading over the comments is like primetime standup! Hopefully the cunts (ie YNM and KK) decide to stick around simply for the comedy!
Now, WHO the hell said they cried when the heard things said about Jesus? I can't scroll through and find it, but somebody needs to seriously grow the fuck up!!!
This blog, she's all about the comedy.
oy vey
another thing to Study is thаt manу viԁеo games Get highеr
difficultly modes, hazard for childгen аnd adults.
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