A blog of infinite Choobism, and thence of incredible awesomeness.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Spokesperson for Intelligent Design (ID) has a message


Choobus said...

If you can't read his insightful comment, just click on the pic.

Anonymous said...

Well, it appears Evolution has finally been disproven... Surely, someone that stupid can't have come from creatures as intelligent as apes.

Unknown said...

heh heh heh...very funny choo..

Anonymous said...

eeewwwww...look at this guy's face.....


Bryan Hudson D., PHD said...


Didn't it hurt? I mean, poor car...LOL

Anonymous said...

I always thought Mr Tailpipe looked a lot like my dad.


Anonymous said...

Choobus, where the hell do you find these pictures? LOL!

Choobus said...

where do I find the pics? Why from my familyalbum of course!

Anonymous said...

Is this what they mean by the term 'auto-eroticism'?

Anonymous said...

This is the sick stuff I am trying to tell the truth to you about.

What is the purpose for this. It is awful to do these things. Please repent and ask God into your heart.

Anonymous said...

So intelligent design is sick stuff? And there I thought you were a religidiot muthafucka.

Anonymous said...

Tried it when I was younger.
Saw through all the bullshit.
Grew up.

How old are you exactly?
Feel free to post your chronological age rather than your mental age if it would be more becoming of an adult.

Anonymous said...

youneed mercy is 45 if I remember correctly. You should be ashamed of yourself, a man of your age still believing in the jebus-fairy.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear.



Just hope he doesn't have any kids - THAT would be truly sad.

Anonymous said...

The Judge wrote:

"Just hope he doesn't have any
kids - THAT would be truly sad."

Wasn't it already established that he is a closet homosexual? ;)

Anonymous said...

Never rule out adoption - those poor kids: to have such a fucking cunt as an adoptive parent.