A blog of infinite Choobism, and thence of incredible awesomeness.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
What is Jeebus thinking?
Caption contest. The winning caption will recieve fuck all, so it's not much of a contest I admit, but it's still better than blowing yourself up for 72 raisins.
Sup', YNM. Why the hell haven't you royally fucked off yet, you stupid prick? Are you really trying this hard to play a joke on us? Or are you in all honesty this demented?
After you answer, we can discuss how you can deal with your closet homosexuality, you ignorant motherfucker.
Hey Mr./Mrs./It "50 different people": Take it from another Christian, your witness here at Choobus' site is appalling. In fact, as I would point to Choobus as an example of atheistic hatred, I would point to you as a sign of some-kind-of-believer hatred. Remember Christ driving the many demons out of the man and into a herd of pigs? Remember what the response was to Christ's question "Who are you?" when questioning the possessor of the man? "My name is Legion, for we are many!" Why, pray tell, are you behaving like those demons? I'm not saying you shouldn't challenge Choobus, but use your head instead of your [expletive deleted].
Hey Choobs: Feel free to pipe in (it's your blog): am I a "defender of homosexuality"? Where did that come from?? (Let's leave our own intellectual animosities alone for the moment.) This person is so out to lunch, so anti-Christian, anti-charity, so hate-ridden... that I feel I need to apologize to you, Choobs. I'm truly sorry, for I am at a loss for words when someone who calls himself a Christian acts like a legion of demons.
If this YNM cunt by some infinitely small chance actually turns out to be just THAT fucking stupid, I'm pretty sure "they" are a bovine member of the Fred Phelps herd.
By the way holopupenko, do you really point to Choobus as an example of atheistic hatred? Because he calls you guys names and asks if you do anal? (Do you?) Is he really the worst we have to offer? 'Cause if so, I'd say we're doing alright! :lol:
anyone who says that god hates has a different idea of god than most of the theists I can stand to talk to. If god hates fags why did he create them? From a theological point of view you are a mess. From a moral point of view you are a shitsucking dadwanker anbd you deserve as much respect as a fart in an elevator. The evil wrought on this world by homosexuals is literally nothing compared to what you and your christ punching pals have done, even in these times. Fuck you and fuck the mule that you rode in on (after you made a video of your mum wanking it off and sold it to your local priest). You give ignorant bigots a bad name dude.
Pro 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate:… Pro 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood..."
Well, YNM and xian cunts like him/her are so proud as to think that THEY are the ones who are right, that they absolutely fucking stink of pride. Plus with the fictional stories with NO BASIS OF PROOF about jeebus and god etc. make them essentially lies – they are not based on fact. Also I’m sure that some kind soul somewhere has actually toted up just how many millions upon millions of innocent people have been slain in the name of this fictitious “god” character by the barbarity that is organised religion of all creeds.
"Pro 6:18 An [sic] heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief..."
Ever noticed how “god” is nothing but a psychological concept and as such merely something that is “devised” by imagination – I mean no one has ever seen any proof so it’s clearly all in these dicks’ heads.
"Pro 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
As stated previously the childish beliefs of fundies are lies. They spread their lies and their pride by proselytising their asinine childish thoughts and in so doing, they rub a lot of normal, rational people up the wrong way: They are therefore a guilty of, “speaking lies and sowing discord.”
As you can clearly see YNM and his/her “legion” of deluded fucktards are guilty of all the things they say we are guilty of.
Trouble is they practically wank off to the fact this makes them “sinners” in need of “mercy” or “redemption” of some such bullshit whereas we, being normal, rational people just shrug off these ramblings as delusional babblings of very ill people.
Make no mistake, these cunts are twisted fuckers.
Go play in your little church yard you fucking children and leave real world problems to the adults.
I gotta get me some more of that acid, man...
(check out those bulging eyes!!!)
Wow, my asshole hurts! Why does Muhammad have to be so rough?
I have to do WHAT for the sins of mankind?
"Youneedmercy's a cunt."
"You ever die for mankind's sins?
You ever die for mankind's sins.....on weed?"
"Could I create a cock so big, not even I could suck it all? Hmmm....."
Shit, I hope dad's not watching...
My Jeezit sense tells me I exist as mild brain damage.
"Man these shrooms are gooooood.
I think I'm Jeebus."
"Non sum ergo non cogito"
Fuck me !!
Which end is that vindaloo gonna come out ?
Atheists are bad people.
anonymous cunts are cunts
Does this robe make me look fat?
Did I pass the cold water irrigation test?
"Toss a ring onto this homeless guys head; win a prize"
Cap'n wins.
I gotta get these crabs off my bush.
mmmmm....doing anal feels good!
"I wish choobus would update his goddam blog more often"
choobus is like an invasion of roaches in the brain.
You can delete me but I always come back you dirty homosexuals.
I am everywhere in the raving theist. You never know when you are talking to me. Ha!
See my earlier post.
Sup', YNM. Why the hell haven't you royally fucked off yet, you stupid prick? Are you really trying this hard to play a joke on us? Or are you in all honesty this demented?
After you answer, we can discuss how you can deal with your closet homosexuality, you ignorant motherfucker.
Hey Mr./Mrs./It "50 different people":
Take it from another Christian, your witness here at Choobus' site is appalling. In fact, as I would point to Choobus as an example of atheistic hatred, I would point to you as a sign of some-kind-of-believer hatred.
Remember Christ driving the many demons out of the man and into a herd of pigs? Remember what the response was to Christ's question "Who are you?" when questioning the possessor of the man? "My name is Legion, for we are many!" Why, pray tell, are you behaving like those demons? I'm not saying you shouldn't challenge Choobus, but use your head instead of your [expletive deleted].
"....hmmmm...i wonder if Choobus does anal....."
Hey Choobs:
Feel free to pipe in (it's your blog): am I a "defender of homosexuality"? Where did that come from?? (Let's leave our own intellectual animosities alone for the moment.) This person is so out to lunch, so anti-Christian, anti-charity, so hate-ridden... that I feel I need to apologize to you, Choobs. I'm truly sorry, for I am at a loss for words when someone who calls himself a Christian acts like a legion of demons.
If this YNM cunt by some infinitely small chance actually turns out to be just THAT fucking stupid, I'm pretty sure "they" are a bovine member of the Fred Phelps herd.
Now where's my bolt gun?...a HA!...
Beef anyone?
Youneedmercy's just struggling with his latent homosexual tendencies. As the Son of God, I see what he really does behind closed doors! ;-)
Hey guys, help me call this guy a cunt on his blog! XP
50 names = 50 ShitLords. Keep 'em coming! The RA Forums wouldn't be as much fun without fundies to harass! :-)
By the way holopupenko, do you really point to Choobus as an example of atheistic hatred? Because he calls you guys names and asks if you do anal? (Do you?) Is he really the worst we have to offer? 'Cause if so, I'd say we're doing alright! :lol:
YNM, (you need medication)
anyone who says that god hates has a different idea of god than most of the theists I can stand to talk to. If god hates fags why did he create them? From a theological point of view you are a mess. From a moral point of view you are a shitsucking dadwanker anbd you deserve as much respect as a fart in an elevator. The evil wrought on this world by homosexuals is literally nothing compared to what you and your christ punching pals have done, even in these times. Fuck you and fuck the mule that you rode in on (after you made a video of your mum wanking it off and sold it to your local priest). You give ignorant bigots a bad name dude.
Holo Homo defender,
You are apologizing to choobus the way he talks about Jesus and God? I was right about you, you are the one being led by satan himself.
You need to repent at this moment.
Grow a backbone for God.
do you do anal?
"Holo Homo defender"?
"capn Homo"?
Does your mom write your insults for you, "youneedhomo"? :lol:
Ya gotta love the hypocrisy here:
Pro 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate:…
Pro 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood..."
Well, YNM and xian cunts like him/her are so proud as to think that THEY are the ones who are right, that they absolutely fucking stink of pride. Plus with the fictional stories with NO BASIS OF PROOF about jeebus and god etc. make them essentially lies – they are not based on fact. Also I’m sure that some kind soul somewhere has actually toted up just how many millions upon millions of innocent people have been slain in the name of this fictitious “god” character by the barbarity that is organised religion of all creeds.
"Pro 6:18 An [sic] heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief..."
Ever noticed how “god” is nothing but a psychological concept and as such merely something that is “devised” by imagination – I mean no one has ever seen any proof so it’s clearly all in these dicks’ heads.
"Pro 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
As stated previously the childish beliefs of fundies are lies. They spread their lies and their pride by proselytising their asinine childish thoughts and in so doing, they rub a lot of normal, rational people up the wrong way: They are therefore a guilty of, “speaking lies and sowing discord.”
As you can clearly see YNM and his/her “legion” of deluded fucktards are guilty of all the things they say we are guilty of.
Trouble is they practically wank off to the fact this makes them “sinners” in need of “mercy” or “redemption” of some such bullshit whereas we, being normal, rational people just shrug off these ramblings as delusional babblings of very ill people.
Make no mistake, these cunts are twisted fuckers.
Go play in your little church yard you fucking children and leave real world problems to the adults.
How dare you blaspheme God you little shit! I could buy and sell you!
But I believe in mercy. I will pray that you be chained to one of Hell's less active magma vents.
Newport Vanderhaden.
Whooooah... Mary Mag... You do anal? I'm in love.
OoooOoooo.... Are those real?
"I am holy."
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